Combined Districts Karting Club

Membership, Licences & Race Entries

As most of you know there has been a change in the licence administration system for KNSW. As with any new system there are a few bugs to iron out, the system is designed to allow you to.

  • Get a new licence
  • Renew your old licence
  • Enter a race meeting
  • Join a club

If you have any difficulty with joining or renewing your CDKC membership, please ring Lilian Stones 02 4773 8578

If you have any difficulty entering our race meeting please ring Dave Freeburn 0412 966 220 (entries will open soon)

Please log in to the licence portal and check your licence is OK  (some have shown as expired), if something is not correct here please contact Karen at KNSW [email protected]

Our focus is on providing you with a great race meeting, please support us with your entry. Below is a link to the Sup Regs (draft) & the club championship rules

Combined Supplementary Regulations Feb 2019.            Combined February 2019 Permit